Key Action 2 Strategic Partnership (project 2017-1-UK01-KA203-036612 – TransCoCon)
The TranCoCon project team met during 23 - 27 October 2017, at the University of Nottingham for their first three-day, transcultural project meeting. They discussed their plans around developing multimedia learning for trans-cultural collaboration and competence in nursing. In attendance were:
- Mary Brown (MB)
- Carol Hall (CH)
- Stacy Johnson (SJ)
- Inge Bergman-Tyacke (IBT)
- Edel McSharry (EMcS)
- Marc Dhaeze (MD)
- Maarten Michiels (MM)
- Leen Vanlandschoot (LV)
- Margareida Reis Santos (MRS)
- Paula Prata (PP)
- Heather Wharrad (HW)
The team worked through and detailed itinerary on day one, which covered the administration, marketing and communication needs for the project. In addition they discussed and finalised the project outputs, in line with the EFN Competency Framework.
During day two, the team covered the project subject area, discussing the need for Transcultural Nursing, its history and purpose, and how developments in understanding can improved the quality of care globally. Discussion led to self-reflections and awareness, and the need for care givers to understand stereotyping and the needs of the patient.
The team looked at the needs of the audience they were producing research findings for - for example student nurses - and the suitable reusable learning objects to use, with support from the HELM team.
Key academics and colleagues presented a range of topics to the group, during the two days, including:
- Project Finance, Beth York
- Way forward: Competencies as per EFN Competency Framework and revisiting Appreciative Enquiry, Carol Hall
- Introduction to Transcultural Nursing, Stacy Johnson
- Creating RLO’s: ASPIRE Framework Brainstorm, HELM Team
Future meetings
Location | Dates |
Porto |
19 - 20 March 2018 |
Bielefeld |
12 - 16 November 2018 |
Ireland |
8 - 9 April 2019 |
Belgium |
3 - 4 October 2019 |
Nottingham |
24 - 25 February 2020 |
Belgium |
w/c 29 June 2020 |
Images from the meeting

Posted on Thursday 14th February 2019